Welcome to Cal State LA’s Business & Finance Community!
Members of this community are interested in careers that involve working with people, solving complex problems, and innovating. Often these careers include fast-paced environments, opportunities for upward mobility, and expectations of staff to exceed goals and perform at a high level.
People who pursue careers in business and finance develop strong analytical, interpersonal and communication skills.
Cal State LA offers degree and professional development programs that can lead to a career in business and finance. These include:
- Fully Employed MBA
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
- Accounting and Tax Seminars
- Certificate in Project Management
- Certificate in Leadership
- Society for Human Resource Management Exam Preparation
- Oracle Database Administration
- Oracle Java SE 8
- Women First: Leadership and Professional Development
Examples of career pathways include (but are not limited to): management, finance, operations, supply chain, human resources, business information technology, marketing, events, accounting, international business, investment banking, and consulting.
The Business & Finance Community acts as a helpful guide and encourages lifelong learning. Become involved in this community by submitting a guest blog, job, employer profile, event, class, or resource to be featured, or explore new content pulled in weekly to learn more about your career options.