Welcome to Cal State LA’s Education & Social Services Community!

Members of this community are interested in careers that involve working with diverse populations in local communities. Professionals in education promote learning through the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Professionals in social services help individuals, families, and members of groups and communities restore their capabilities to function in society. Often these careers include fast-paced environments, longer work hours, and expectations of staff to exceed goals and perform at a high level.

People who pursue careers in education and social services have a strong work ethic and initiative and are compassionate. They develop highly effective teamwork, interpersonal, problem-solving, analytical, listening, and emotional intelligence skills, among others.

Cal State LA offers degree and professional development programs that can lead to a career in education and social services. These include:

The Education & Social Services Community acts as a helpful guide and encourages lifelong learning. Become involved in this Community by submitting a guest blog, job, employer profile, event, class, or resource to be featured, or explore new content pulled in weekly to learn more about your career options

More Women, Now!

By Zane Hill
Los Angeles Business Journal


In the 1990s, Betsy Berkhemer-Credaire noticed something that bothered her.

As she worked at her downtown-based executive recruiting firm, Berkhemer Clayton Retained Executive Search, she realized just how few women served on …

By PaGE Career Services
PaGE Career Services
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These are the red flags of a bad boss.

You probably know as soon as you experience it. Watch out for these 17 bad management traits.

U.S. News & World Report

These are the red flags of a bad boss.

Employees are now more aware of toxic work environments …

By Guest Blog
Guest Blog
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How Colleges are Preparing Students for Jobs that don’t Exist Yet

That might seem like a high number to reach in only 12 years. But think about the now-mainstream careers that did not exist just a handful of years ago: drone operator, social media manager, app developer and cloud computing engineer, …

By Guest Blog
Guest Blog
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What employers really want to see on a recent college graduate resume

If there’s anything that dampens the excitement of graduation, it’s applying for your first job. You already have an excellent education and various skills, but how do you translate them into a professional resume and that critical first job?

When …

By College Recruiter
College Recruiter believes that every student and recent grad deserves a great career.
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Hiring Manager vs Recruiter: What’s the Difference?

When you’re applying for jobs, you might encounter hiring managers and recruiters who may seem to be doing the same thing — trying to hire for a specific position. So, what’s the difference between a hiring manager vs recruiter? Knowing what …

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Career Resources


This resource is available to PaGE and DTLA degree, Paralegal Studies and Project Management students.

Résumés & Cover Letters

What is the purpose of a resume?

Many job seekers assume that the purpose of a resume is to provide …

Career Exploration : Self-Assessment

Focus 2 Career – provides valid and reliable assessments including Work Interests-Holland Code, Personality, Values, Skills, Leisure Interests and Career Planning …

Building Your Professional Development Plan

Think of your career/professional development plan as a way to cultivate your professional brand. Meaning, an intentional plan to grow …

Informational Interviews

Networking for career exploration is one of the best ways to begin exploring career paths. Having a conversation with a …

Job FutureCaster

Job FutureCaster allows you to select jobs that are of interest to you and see what the future prospects for …

Featured Classes