Welcome to Cal State LA’s Education & Social Services Community!
Members of this community are interested in careers that involve working with diverse populations in local communities. Professionals in education promote learning through the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Professionals in social services help individuals, families, and members of groups and communities restore their capabilities to function in society. Often these careers include fast-paced environments, longer work hours, and expectations of staff to exceed goals and perform at a high level.
People who pursue careers in education and social services have a strong work ethic and initiative and are compassionate. They develop highly effective teamwork, interpersonal, problem-solving, analytical, listening, and emotional intelligence skills, among others.
Cal State LA offers degree and professional development programs that can lead to a career in education and social services. These include:
- Master of Public Health
- Master of Social Work
- Bilingual Authorization
- Community Teaching Artist Certificate
- Computer Science Supplementary Authorization
- Teaching Dual Enrollment Students
- Strategies for Professionals: Improv and Acting
The Education & Social Services Community acts as a helpful guide and encourages lifelong learning. Become involved in this Community by submitting a guest blog, job, employer profile, event, class, or resource to be featured, or explore new content pulled in weekly to learn more about your career options