Welcome to the Government & Public Service interest community!
Members of this community are interested in careers that provide services to the public while often working for the public’s best interest in mind.
People who pursue careers in government and public service develop skills in writing, public speaking, coalition building, interpersonal and intercultural communication, conflict resolution, outreach, systems-thinking, analysis, and problem-solving. In addition, in today’s public sector, there is a high demand for professionals with soft skills training.
Cal State LA offers degree and professional development programs that can lead to a career in government and public service. These include:
- Fully-Employed MBA
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
- Bachelor of Arts in Communication
- Certificate in Leadership
- Certificate in Paralegal Studies
- Certificate in Project Management
- Strategies for Professionals: Improv and Acting
- Professional Engineer Exam Preparation
- Engineer-in-Training Exam Preparation
Examples of career pathways include (but are not limited to): lawyers, legal assistants, paralegals, public policy, international development, researchers, engineers, finance and budget preparation, managers, activists, community organizers, analysts, politics, advocacy, and tribal or federal administrators.
The Government & Public Service Community acts as a helpful guide and encourages lifelong learning. Become involved in this Community by submitting a guest blog, job, employer profile, event, class, or resource to be featured, or explore new content pulled in weekly to learn more about your career options.