Arts, Communication and Entertainment

Welcome to the Arts, Communication and Entertainment Interest Community!

Members of this community are interested in careers that use various forms of media, writing, and artistic expression to produce creative content and tell stories that speak to the human experience, as well as shape consumer public opinions and perceptions.

People who pursue careers in arts, communication and entertainment have strong soft skills, think creatively, and collaborate well.

Examples of career pathways include (but are not limited to): social media, journalism, film, broadcast and digital news, visual and performing arts, graphic design, public relations, advertising, marketing, publishing, research, community and government relations, and arts administration.

Cal State LA offers degree and non-credit professional development programs that can lead to a career in arts, communication, and entertainment. These include:

The Arts, Communication and Entertainment Community acts as a helpful guide and encourages lifelong learning. Become involved in this Community by submitting a guest blog, job, employer profile, event, class, or resource to be featured, or explore new content pulled in weekly to learn more about your career options!

What Can You Do With a Communications Major? 10 Jobs to Consider

Being able to communicate well is one of the most important skills that humans need—both at work and outside of it. Good communication skills allow us to share information with others, form lasting and meaningful relationships, and be active and …

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What to do with my degree: Entry-level communications jobs and salaries


The biggest misconception about majoring in Communications is that it’s a fluff major, or it’s for students who don’t really want to study. In reality, though, the field of communications – which encompasses public relations, marketing, mass communication, journalism, and …

By College Recruiter
College Recruiter believes that every student and recent grad deserves a great career.
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Career Resources


This resource is available to PaGE and DTLA degree, Paralegal Studies and Project Management students.

Résumés & Cover Letters

What is the purpose of a resume?

Many job seekers assume that the purpose of a resume is to provide …

Career Exploration : Self-Assessment

Focus 2 Career – provides valid and reliable assessments including Work Interests-Holland Code, Personality, Values, Skills, Leisure Interests and Career Planning …

Building Your Professional Development Plan

Think of your career/professional development plan as a way to cultivate your professional brand. Meaning, an intentional plan to grow …

Informational Interviews

Networking for career exploration is one of the best ways to begin exploring career paths. Having a conversation with a …

Job FutureCaster

Job FutureCaster allows you to select jobs that are of interest to you and see what the future prospects for …